Stories about growing vegetables
Natural farmingArticle26 Feb, 2021
Last edited: 02 Jan, 2024, 6:20 PM

Stories about growing vegetables

My family can grow vegetables - they grow, they sprout, they thrive, they jump out of every bit of earth they can find. Me? What can I say?

Pretty much everyone in my earlier generation of family has a green thumb - large and small backyard and terrace gardens are the norm rather than the exception. And most everything is grown naturally, using means that today we call "organic".

Sample these:

Humpty dumpty sat on a wall
Pomegranates in a pot!
Pui saag aka basale leaves aka Malabar spinach
In case I didn't know bananas from say cucumbers, my father has conveniently labeled and sent me photos ;-)

Homemade manure

All these above wonderful vegetables grow with home made compost - either dumped daily in drums large and small with leachate collected, or via the more traditional method of just dumping daily kitchen waste somewhere in the garden and it happily decomposes and turns into compost. And of course, with various manure bought and added. But no commercial fertilizers, etc.

My attempts

So I guess by now I've amply demonstrated by way of said exhibits that my family can grow vegetables. Don't even fricking get me started on the number of flowers they all grow. Its enough to give Lalbagh a complex.

Ok ok, fine, coz you asked so politely - here's a *small* sample

Ok enough already, back to me me me. My own attempts to grow veges have been mostly unsuccessful. I grow a lot of herbs - chives, lemon grass, tulsi, etc

Periodic harvest of herbs from the garden

And that's it. Any other vegetables that I've tried to grow... just dies on me so I gave up.




Ooops disappointed much? Were you expecting some fascinating story of how much better I am at growing veges than the previous generation?

Guess sometimes the apple does fall far from the tree.

Oh did you see what I did there? I made a vegetable joke, or fruit as the case may be. Okbye.

PS: Whats with the featured image you ask? Oh those are the vegetables I'm growing in my head :-D

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Commented 27 Feb, 2021

So amazing! I started with lemongrass too. That hardy plant gave such confidence, I planted 5 more and then slowly that kind of ushered me into trying some vegetables with mixed results. My family has not taken to lemongrass yet though.

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