"DMH-11 exemplifies a hope for re-appropriation of the definition of scientific research as a public good. Ironically, this development comes in the context of a larger thrust for liberalizing and privatizing agriculture, made apparent by the, now repealed, three farm laws.
It, naturally, raises the doubt about this being another step by the neo-liberal Indian state towards, eventually, allowing the entry of big agri-corporates to the field of genetic engineering research in agriculture in India.
The fear, although genuine, cannot be the ground to forestall the entry of the promising technology of genetic engineering, that stands at the frontiers of a progressive transformation of agricultural production systems...
A major criticism of GM crops pertains to the harm that it might cause to ecology, and to human and animal health. The criticism remains strong despite the fact that GM crops have been used, and consumed, for more than two decades now without causing specific harm to any species, or to the ecology in general."
It's another subject that polarises people. But science may again show the way. Read more at:
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